A good knowledge of the changes that occurs during love
making is important in understanding and enjoying the act of Sex as this will
help in understanding your partners response during the act and responding
Below is a brief description of the Stages/Phases and the changes in the Body during Love making:
Below is a brief description of the Stages/Phases and the changes in the Body during Love making:
Phase 1: The
Excitement Stage
This is brought about either by visual or tactile stimulation.
It prepares the Sex organ (vagina or penis) for sexual intercourse.
Changes in the woman.
Her Hearts beat faster and Her breathing pattern
becomes faster
Her vagina start secreting juices which
increases as excitement increase
Nipples become hardened or erect.
Her breasts become fuller and her vaginal walls
begin to swell.
Her Clitoris become erect and elongated and the
inner lips (Labia minor) of her vagina swells
Changes in the Man:
Fast heart rate and faster breathing
Increase muscle tone
The testicles swell and scrotum tightens
The penis become erected
Slight secretion from the penis
Phase 2: Plateau
The general characteristics of this phase includes the
- The changes begun in phase 1 are intensified in both the man and the woman
- The vagina continues to swell and the vaginal walls turn a dark purple.
- The woman’s clitoris becomes highly sensitive and retracts under the clitoral hood to avoid direct stimulation from the penis. At this stage the Clitoris may become painful to touch
- The man’s testicles are withdrawn up into the scrotum.
- Breathing, heart rate and blood pressure continue to increase.
- Muscle spasms may begin in the feet, face and hands.
- Tension in the muscles increases.
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