Friday, August 19, 2016


Water also known by its scientific name, Dihydrogen monoxide or oxidane and chemically as H2O is one of the most important nutrient needed by the human body for normal efficient functioning. It’s more THAN A THIRST QUENCHER.
Many of us tend to underestimate the health benefits of drinking water that we hardly meet up to half of our daily requirement. It is essential for life and it is very important to get the right amount of it to remain healthy.
Body water balance depends on the net difference between water gain and water loss. Water gain occurs from consumption (liquids and food) and production (metabolic water), while water losses occur from respiratory system, skin, renal, and gastrointestinal tract.

Human Body water composition: The average adult body is made up of 50%-75% of water by weight, Muscles about 75%, Fat tissues are about 25%, Bones are about 20% and our Brain is about 80% water.
Sources of Daily water intake: It is estimated that roughly 20% of water consumed is from food (In Solid food, soups, fruit and vegetables), while 80% is from drinks (water, milk, soft drink, Tea and fruit juice).
Daily Water Loss from the Body:  The body loses water all the time, when we go to the toilet (from Urine=1.5L, Feces 0.2L), from sweat 0.5L and 0.4L from breathing. If we do not consume enough water, we become dehydrated.
Ideal Daily Water Intake: To maintain good health and proper body functions, the amount of water in the body should remain relatively constant by ensuring daily water loss is replaced by an equivalent amount of daily water intake. The amount of water and other fluids that we need to drink each day varies from person to person and is influenced by several factors including age, sex, body size, weather and the level of physical activities; Men need more water than women; active and obese people need more water and more amount of water is generally required on a hot day than on a cold day.
·         On the average every individual needs approximately 80oz or 2.4Liters of water per day. Or grossly divide your body weight in pounds by 2 to get the ounces you need to drink a day
·         Overweight people should add an additional 12oz for every 25lbs they are over weight
·         Or at least 13 glasses and 8 glasses for Adult Male and female respectively.

NEGATIVE EFFECTS OF INADEQUATE HYDRATION: Inadequate hydration results in dumping of toxic waste into tissues, fat, joints, and muscles instead of being eliminated in urine and via perspiration. This can impair cognitive, physiological and performance responses.
Taste is usually the major symptoms that prompt people to notice their body requires water, however improper hydration can manifest in different ways depending on the degree of dehydration.
Symptoms includes headache, fatigue, Muscle cramps, depression, Sluggishness, Sleepiness or tiredness, memory loss, chronic fatigue syndromes, darkening of the urine, weight gain, poor muscle tone, muscle cramps and sprains, bad breath, rise in body temperature, hardening of the arteries, high blood pressure and cholesterol, joint pains, Kidneys stones manifesting as abdominal pain, damage to kidneys.

  • Encourages weight loss
  • Reduces incidence of Headaches and Migraines
  • Helps in Digestion and Constipation by Maintaining Normal Bowel Function
  • Moisturizes the skin, keeps it fresh, soft, glowing and smooth thus promoting healthier younger-looking skin. Gets rid of wrinkles. IT’S THE BEST AND CHEAPEST ANTI-AGING TREATMENT AVAILABLE
  • Energize Muscles thus preventing aching joints, muscle cramps and strains
  • Relieves Fatigue
  • Optimize Kidney function, prevents kidney stones and damage
  • Boost Brain performance, enhances concentration and promotes clearer thinking
  • Boosts the Immune System    
The benefits of taking adequate amount of water cannot be overemphasize and Water is one of the cheapest commodity around that even in the face of the harsh economy, it is still very affordable.
Several applications are available on play-store of most android phones that help to keep tab on the daily amount of water consumed. Install one on your mobile phone today to help monitor your daily intake. 


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