Thursday, February 18, 2016



I was thought by My Dad that Angels are Celestial being with immaculate image.

I remember growing up, the perception my childish mind had of an Angel was that of a winged being always dressed in sparkling white attire with glowing stainless skin. Little did I know that Angels sometimes wear tattoo.
The first perception you get when you come across her is that of a junkie: looking at the amount of tattoo she wears and her short ragged-jeans hot-pant barely covering her pelvic region. Anja Ringgren Loven, a Danish woman living in Nigeria, Africa who brought light into the life an innocent child accused of witchcraft or wizardry.

It’s outrageously preposterous to know such barbaric culture of accusing children of demonic possession still flourishes in Nigeria especially in the Eastern region where the accused are thrown out of their homes into the street to die as street urchins or in some cases summarily killed for no just course but the senseless beliefs of their ignoramus deluded parents and communities.

Little Hope (as He’s now called) was left at the mercy of crumbs from people left over food; with his weakened malnourished body been ravaged by the ash weather with all the macro and microorganism feeding on his frail being because his little minded parent believe He was possessed with a demonic spirit.
Most of us will probably be disgusted looking at him let alone touch Him. But the tattooed angel fed him` and cradled him in her arm like her own child. 

It’s unfortunate that even in the 21st century such barbaric culture is still been practiced in Nigeria, sometimes with the support of religious body.
I remember once as a child: My little sister and I were accused of been ‘Ogbanje’. My innocent gullible parent were advised by a church elder to bring us for prayers: during the course of the prayers, my sister and I were forced to speak in tongues; failure to speak translates to a judgement of refusing deliverance.
The possessed church elder instructed some scarification mark be placed on our cheeks and chest as a symbol of deliverance from the water spirit: the scar which we carry till this day.
It’s a big shame on us as a nation to still have such practice in this present time. WITCHES AND WIZARDS are all fables originating from little uneducated minds lacking explanation for common scientific phenomenon. 


Witches do not exist. They are only fictional explanation for happenings exceeding our rational mind.
We all must stand against such barbaric culture. Religious leaders and the Government must join hands in condemning this backward archaic practice.  So many Anja Ringgren Loven should immediately rise up and among us and ensure this inhumane practice come to an end once and for all.


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